Campaign Planets
The following campaign will be occurring in the “Polaris System” with six planets, which is explained below:
Each Planet is broken down into the following details.
The name of the Planet
The following legend is used to determine which terrain will be used on a battlefield when attacking a certain planets sector
Mining = Barren world with mining complex’s and hills.
Desert = Self explained
Capital = Capital Planet has multiple terrain types, defender is picks but on a 5+ the attacker then chooses the ground.
Forgeworld = Similar to a mining planet expect less barren and a lot more buildings, essentially a “manufactured world”.
Industrial = A lot of buildings and infrastructure (roads)
Temperate world = Small settlements with forest and foliage.
Barren: Small craters with small hills and old ruins of forgotten civilizations.
Each planet is broken down into sectors depending on the size of the planet which is shown below:
Small = 2 sectors
Medium = 3 Sectors
Large = 4 Sectors.
Allocation of Planets/Sectors
Planets and sectors are allocated at the start of the campaign by the GM
Each sector has its own terrain which relates to the planets overall terrain classification.
Forces =
General Information:
Each player is allocated certain amount of force tokens depending on number of starting Planets they have and are allocated by the GM (game master).
Each Campaign Turn each player choses what action each force token will do, the following are the actions.
Moving Forces:
Moving your Force token is done by moving from one sector to another either via moving from the adjunct sector or from one planet to another using the "Z" connector (Blue glowing lines on map),(See below on Urie's post)
Attacking/Defending with your Forces:
A force can choose to “Entrench” a sector which adds an additional 500 points to the defenders if their sector is attack by an invading force in the following turn, It takes one turn to gain the 500 Point benefit.
Also if two Force tokens attack the same sector the attacker is granted an additional 500 points
Forces point list:
When you determine the size of your forces when attacking (explained later on) you must already have Six army list created for each point limit.
Limits being:
Small planet: 1000 Min, 1000 Max
Meduim Planet: 1000 Min, 1500Max
Large Planet: 1500 Min, 1500 Max
You then roll a D6 to determine which one you are using (dice rolled is done on VASSAL and the army list is listed on the forums).
Campaign turns:
The campaign is broken down into 6 phases
Phase 1 = Moving your Forces and declaring invasions/ defence
Each side rolls a d6 to see who goes first, then picks an action for each force token.
If there is duplicate results to determine who goes first, second etc. RE-ROLL!! (for the conflicting players)
1st player will make all his actions then the 2nd player, then 3rd etc Once all players are done their actions, starting with the first player, begin phases 2-6.
Phase 2 = Declaring invasion strength
When the attacker declares he is invading he will then declare the size of the battle, using the limits stated in the forces list section above. Then rolling for the army list accordingly
Phase 3 = Determining terrain
Let a neutral member create the terrain for the battle or generate a battlefield which both players can agree on. Alternatively both players can create the terrain via agreeable decision.
Phase 4 = Battle
Play the battle using the War hammer 40k battle generator or a scenario if agreed by both players.
Phase 5 = Determine results
Determine who won the battle and record results.
If the attacker wins determine how much they won by to record what kind of “victory” they achieved, view below for the following results.
Minor Victory = If a draw occurs
Victory = If the invader won
Major Victory = If the invader has won by a large margin.
If the invader losses the battle his/her army is push back to the sector they originally attacked from.
Phase 6: Sector control
If the attacker wins on a roll of 4+ he/she controls the sector.
The following modifiers are used
Minor victory = - 1 to roll
Victory = No benefit
Major Victory = + 1 to roll
per Friendly force token = +1 to roll
per enemy force token = -1 to roll
per enemy entrenched = -1 to roll
per Successive victories = +1 to roll
If the army doesn't roll high enough to control, he is locked on that sector and continues to fight the next turn.
Phase 7 = Adding points to campaign points
If an enemy invades and controls a sector on any planet, the occupying player losses control of that planet and losses the victory point benefit for that sector and planet control bonus.
If an enemy occupies 2/3rds of a planet, the occupying player removes one of any of his force tokens.
If you control an entire planet you get an extra force token for that planet.
For each sector own you generate one campaign point if the planet is contested u only receive a point per sector you have a force on, if you control an entire Planet you generate a point for each sector and an extra point on top of that.
To win the campaign you need to generate 50 campaign points.